No.143 Yoshitake Kihira: Woodworks Feb. 25 – Mar. 9, 2022 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
愛知県豊田市で木の器を制作される紀平佳丈さんの展覧会を開催いたします。轆轤などの機械を使わずに鑿や鉋、ヤスリなどで刳り、削り、磨かれて作られる紀平さんの器や盆。その違いは一目で分かるものではありませんが、凛とした形の中にもおおらかな雰囲気が漂います。紀平さんの作品の多くは塗装が施されておらず、素材が持つ香りや自然の美しさを直に感じて頂けます。今展では日常的にお使い頂ける器や折敷の他、新作が並びます。どうぞご高覧下さいませ。 We are pleased to hold the exhibition of the woodworker, Yoshitake Kihira who is based in Toyota, Aichi Prefecture. He makes works without using a lathe. Instead, he uses a chisel, hand planer and sand paper to shape his works. His method of using hand tools bring softer texture that differs from ones made with lathe and other machineries. For this exhibition, we are going to exhibit plates, bowls, and trays.