横山秀樹 硝子展

会期|8月12日(金) ▷ 8月24日(水)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 8月12日(金)
No.154 Hideki Yokoyama: Glassworks
Aug. 12 – Aug. 14, 2022
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon


We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Hideki Yokoyama, a glassblowing artist based in Iizuka, Fukuoka Prefecture. He studied under Shinzo Kodani, the founder of Kurashiki Glass, and mastered the glassmaking technique through his own perception. Instead of controlling the kiln temperature, he uses a kiln without any temperature measurement sensor, and to work depends on the air temperature and operating conditions of the kiln. He is not willing to put his idea in the first place, and always creates works based on the characteristics of glass. It might not be considered to be an effective working method but it’s the perfect way to create unique and charming work.
We are looking forward to your visit.

横山秀樹 Hideki Yokoyama

1950 福岡県生まれ
1978 倉敷にて小谷眞三氏に師事
1981 岡山県船穂町に窯を築く
1983 福岡県飯塚市に窯を築く
2002~ デンマークやイギリス、イタリアなどでも個展を開催
2011 ギャラリーやまほんにて 「硝子のうつわ 展」開催
2013 2014 2016 2018 2020 京都やまほんにて個展開催