横山秀樹 硝子展
会期|7月26日(金) ▷ 8月7日(水)
場所|Kyoto yamahon

No.196 Hideki Yokoyama: Glassworks
Jul. 26 – Aug. 7, 2024
Closed on Thursday
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon
We are pleased to present an exhibition of Hideki Yokoyama, who makes hand-blown glass in Iizuka, Fukuoka. He studied under Shinzo Kotani, the founder of Kurashiki Glass, and learnt glass making by relying on his own senses. His kiln does not have a thermometer and he creates according to the temperature of the day and the condition of the kiln. His style of production is not very efficient: “I don’t match the glass to what I want to make, but the works to the glass”, but that is why the finished pieces are rich in individuality and have a lively expression, as if they capture his breathing. His chunky, thick cups are so durable and loved for so long that some people have been using them for nearly 30 years. If you have a cup that you can grow old with, your daily life may become even lovelier. In this season of dazzling summer skies, please take a look at the cool glass works.
横山秀樹 Hideki Yokoyama
1950 福岡県生まれ
1978 倉敷にて小谷眞三氏に師事
1981 岡山県船穂町に窯を築く
1983 福岡県飯塚市に窯を築く
2002~ デンマークやイギリス、イタリアなどでも個展を開催
2011 ギャラリーやまほんにて 「硝子のうつわ 展」開催
2013 2014 2016 2018 2020 2024 京都やまほんにて個展開催