No.142 Akemi Ito, Yoshinari Gohara Tetsuzan Yamaoka: Pottery Jan. 21 – Feb. 2, 2022 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
福岡県で作陶される伊藤明美さん、郷原良成さん、山岡徹山さんの展覧会を開催いたします。唐津焼、備前焼、上野焼とそれぞれに異なる焼きものを作られる三名ですが、共通して古きをたずねて学ばれてこられました。それぞれに茶道具や酒器、日常使いの器などを中心に展示いたします。 三者三様の焼きものをどうぞご高覧下さい。 We are pleased to hold an exhibition of Akemi Ito, Yoshinari Gohara, Tetsuzan Yamaoka. Each of them makes completely different type of pottery, however, they are common in that they’ve been studied from old pottery. We will be showcasing utencils for Tea Ceremony, Sake vessels, and tableware for daily life.