No.148 Yasumoto Kajihara, Rui Mito: Pottery May 20 – June 1, 2022 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
佐賀県の唐津で作陶される梶原靖元さん、三藤るいさんの展覧会を開催いたします。二人の仕事は、原料となる土や砂岩を自ら採取して土や釉薬を作るところから始まり、登り窯での焼成まですべて自身の手で行なわれます。それは、素朴さと渋さを持つ古唐津という焼きものに魅了されたことによる強い探究心の表れのようです。本展では茶道具や酒器、日常使いの器などを出展いただきます。力強く滋味深い作品からは、自然と人間の豊かさが感じられます。ぜひご高覧下さい。 We are pleased to announce a collaborative exhibition with two Karatsu-based ceramic artists Rui Mito and Yasumoto Kajihara. They handle the whole process on their own from the preparation including collecting the raw soil and sandstone for making pottery and glaze to the kiln firing. It’s believed that handcraft originates from a spirit of inquiry, and also, it’s the reason why the Karatsu ware is so pure and astringent. There will be tea sets, drinking vessels and other daily wares on show. Each of one is tasteful that you could feel richness and humanity. We look forward to welcoming you at the gallery.