山田洋次 陶磁器展
会期|2月10日(金) ▷ 2月23日(木)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 2月10日(金)
No.166 Yoji Yamada: Pottery
Feb. 10 – Feb. 23, 2023
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon
We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Yoji Yamada, a ceramic artist based in Shigaraki, Shiga Prefecture. He studied making ceramics in London and started producing the traditional slipware in Japan.
Being inspired from this technique, he came up with a new production method to make slipware more suitable for Japanese eating habits and it is called non-glazed slipware. Recently, he is focusing on making a ceramic series that is fired in low temperature and it is in a bright and soft appearance.
山田洋次 Yoji Yamada
1980 滋賀県東近江市生まれ
2002 信楽窯業試験場 小物ロクロ科 修了
2007 渡英。Maze Hill Pottery にてLisa Hammondに師事。soda glaze(ソ-ダ釉)を学ぶ
2008 帰国。信楽にて制作中。スリップウェアの技法を使ってうつわを制作
2017.2019.2020.2021.2022 京都やまほんにて個展開催
2018 ギャラリーやまほんにて「山田洋次 三部作展」開催