杉田明彦 漆器展

会期|2023年10月6日(金)▷ 10月18日(水)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 10月6日(金)
No.178 Akihiko Sugita : Lacquerware
Oct. 6 – Oct. 18
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon


We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Akihiko Sugita, a lacquerer based in Kanazawa, Ishikawa prefecture. His work could remind you of abstract painting, and they’re radiating serenity as if they have a long history.
In addition to a simple and modern style, they are perfect for decorating any kind of space. There will be the classical series of bowl and plate on show.
Also, he will brings us a set of new work, such as paintings and tea boxes.
We are looking forward to your visit.

杉田 明彦 Akihiko Sugita
1978 東京都文京区生まれ
2007 赤木明登氏に師事
2013 独立
2014 金沢に工房を移す
2017.2019.2021 京都やまほんにて個展開催