服部 竜也 陶磁器展

会期|4月19日(金) ▷ 5月1日(水)
場所|Kyoto yamahon
No.189 Tatsuya Hattori: Pottery
Apr. 19 – May. 1, 2024
Friday – Wednesday 11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon


We are pleased to announce an exhibition of ceramics by Tatsuya Hattori, who works in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture. Born and raised in Tajimi City, known for its pottery production, Mr. Hattori has loved making things since childhood, which led him to become a ceramic artist. He has been making ceramics by himself with the hope that people will use the pieces he has fired with his own hands. The works created by his hands lead us to a richer everyday life. The elegant appearance and easy-to-use form of his pottery give it a unique presence that combines formative and functional beauty. In this exhibition, we will be displaying mainly tea utensils, coffee items, and other daily utensils. We look forward to your visit.

服部竜也 Tatsuya Hattori
1978 岐阜県多治見市生まれ
2004 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所修了