中野知昭 漆器展
会期|2023年11月3日(金)▷ 11月15日(水)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 11月3日(金)、11月4日(土)

No.180 Tomoaki Nakano : Lacquerware
Nov. 3 – Nov. 15
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon
We are pleased to announce an exhibition by a lacquerer, Tomoaki Nakano. He is working in Sabae, Fukui Prefecture, where is famous for its lacquerware. He studied the traditional technique of Echizen lacquerware under his father, and he is skilled in upper coating. That is the reason why his works are characterized by the beautiful finishing.
The traditional manufacturing of Japanese lacquerware is divided into several parts that are handled by Kiji-shi for woodwork, Shitaji-shi for base coating and Uwanuri-shi for upper coating. However, Nakano take charge of the whole manufacturing from designing with woodworker, to lacquering on his own. This method could make sure that his lacquerware is simple but easy-to-use, and has a gentle appearance. There will be lacquerware for daily use, such as bowls and plates, and for special event, such as boxes on show. Please come and see the lacquerware that could be a perfect companion for your daily life. We are looking forward to your visit.
中野知昭 Tomoaki Nakano
1975年 福井県鯖江市河和田町生まれ
1995年 国立福井工業高等専門学校卒業
1996年 父の病を機に家業を継ぐ 父(畠中昭一)に師事
2000年 「酒の器展」大賞受賞
2003年 「椀One大賞」優秀賞受賞
2004年 「日本民藝館展」入選
2005年 「日本民藝館展」入選
2007年 「越前漆器展覧会」福井県知事賞受賞
2010年 自身初の個展を開催 /博多 鈴懸
2014年 新工房・ギャラリーがオープン