No.184 Akemi Ito / Shinya Matsunaga Pottery Jan. 26 – Feb. 7, 2024 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
伊藤明美さんと松永真哉さんの二人展を開催いたします。福岡県で作陶される伊藤さんは、原料の採取から釉薬作り、薪窯で焼成までの全工程を自身で行います。地元産にこだわり、手間を惜しまず土と向き合い続ける伊藤さんの作品からは揺るぎない古陶磁への敬意が伺えます。美濃で茶陶を中心に制作されてきた松永さんは、現在は美濃で培った陶技をもとに歴史ある窯業地であり郷里の熊本県南関町で作陶されています。古い陶片や史跡などの研究を重ね、土の性質や個性を生かした松永さんの作品は、滋味豊かに料理を彩り、美濃焼の悠久の美を感じさせます。本展では茶道具や酒器、日常使いの器を中心に出展いただきます。それぞれの地で古陶磁を探求する両者の作品が一堂に会します。どうぞご高覧下さいませ。 We are pleased to present a exhibition of Akemi Ito and Shinya Matsunaga. Ms. Ito, who makes pottery in Fukuoka Prefecture, handles the entire process of pottery making herself, from collecting raw materials to glaze making and firing in a wood-fired kiln. She is particular about local production and spares time and effort in working with the clay, and her works show her respect for old ceramics. Mr. Matsunaga, who had mainly produced tea ceramics in Mino, now produces ceramics in his hometown of Nankan, Kumamoto Prefecture, a historic ceramic production area based on the ceramic techniques he developed in Mino. In this exhibition, we will exhibit mainly tea ceremony utensils, sake cups, and daily-use vessels. The works of these two artists, both of whom explore ancient ceramics in their respective fields, will be exhibited in one place. We look forward to your visit.