辻村塊 陶磁器展

会期|5月3日(金) ▷ 5月15日(水)
場所|Kyoto yamahon
No.190 Kai Tsujimura: Pottery
May. 3 – May. 15
Friday – Wednesday 11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon


We are pleased to present an exhibition of Kai Tsujimura, a potter in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture. He studied under his father, Shiro Tsujimura, a ceramic artist, and became independent in 2000 in the rich natural environment of Sakurai City. He produces a wide range of pottery including Ido, Shino, Iga, Shigaraki, Karatsu, Kohiki, and Hikidashiguro, and he creates pottery through repeated trial and error with the desire to produce good quality pieces. Each piece has an overwhelmingly powerful sense of natural beauty, and is highly acclaimed by many chefs for its excellent food and sake presentation. In this exhibition, we will be showcasing a wide range of works from daily-use vessels to flower vases and tea sets.

辻村塊 Kai Tsujimura
1976 奈良県に生まれる
1994 父・辻村史朗に師事
2000 奈良県桜井市に築窯、独立