本展では酒の器展と題しまして酒器の名手としても知られる5名の作品を展示します。唐津や伊賀、信楽、井戸と寒くなるこの季節に使いたい多種多様な盃や徳利が揃います。また今展に並ぶ作品はすべてやまほんのオンラインショップでもご購入頂けます。今年は大変なご時世となりましたがご自宅の食卓でゆっくりと美しい盃を傾け、お過ごし頂けると幸いです。 We are pleased to have the exhibition of Sake vessels of Shiro Tsujimura, Yui Tsujimura, Taki Nakazato, Takashi Nakazato, Morimitsu Hosokawa. They are known as potters who make amazing sake vessels. We will be exhibiting various sake vessels such as Karatsu, Iga, Shigaraki, Ido, which are the best to use in this time of year. All the works will be shown on our website and international shipping is available.