No.147 Kai Tsujimura: Pottery May. 6 – May. 18, 2022 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
奈良県桜井市にて作陶する辻村塊さんの展覧会を開催いたします。奈良市水間で生まれ育ち、自然豊かな土地で陶芸家・辻村史朗さんを父に持つといった環境の中で幼少の頃から薫陶を受け、陶芸の道に進まれました。井戸、志野、伊賀、信楽、唐津、粉引、引出黒といった多くの焼物を手掛けますが、どの作品も共通して圧倒的な自然の力強さが感じられ、古陶磁とは違った新鮮さを魅せます。京都やまほんでは二度目の個展です。どうぞご高覧下さい。 Gallery yamahon is pleased to announce an exhibition by ceramic artist Kai Tsujimura. Kai Tsujimura lives and makes his works in Sakurai city, Nara prefecture. Being strongly influenced by his father, Shiro Tsujimura, he got into the road of pottery from a very early age. Though he produced a large range of ceramic ware including Ido ware, Shino ware, Shigaraki ware, Karatsu ware, White Slip and Hikidashi-guro, his works are not stick to tradition but in a new Kai‘s style. The major characteristic of his work is that them could remind you of the great power of nature. This is the artist’s second solo show, and we are looking forward to your visit.