No.149 Kazushige Tsuchida: Lacquerware June 3 – June 15, 2022 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
石川県輪島市で塗りの仕事をされる土田和茂さんの展覧会を開催いたします。土田さんは伝統的な輪島塗の技術を用いて、丁寧な暮らしを大切にされながら器を制作されます。近年は真塗の仕事にも注力されており、作品からはその繊細な仕事ぶりと高い技術が見られ、透き通った上質な空気を纏います。本展ではその真塗の器から、軽やかで日常使いに適した定番の椀や皿など幅広い作品が並びます。気取らない佇まいの土田さんの作品は漆器にあまり馴染みがないという方にもぜひご覧いただけると嬉しいです。 We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Wajima-based lacquerer Kazushige Tsuchida. He has been producing lacquerwares suitable for everyday use with the traditional technique of wajima-nuri. In the last few years, he also focused on the technology Shin-Nuri (black lacquer). It requires sophisticated skill and outstanding talent, therefore, works produced by it are always in a delicate and elegant appearance. There will be a larger range of works from Shin-Nuri lacquerwares to standard items, such as bowls and dishes on show. His works feature the classical style, and you will love them at the first sight. We are looking forward to your visit.