三野直子 硝子展
会期|7月1日(金) ▷ 7月13日(水)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 7月1日(金)

No.151 Naoko Mino: Glassworks
July 1 – July 13, 2022
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon
We are pleased to announce an exhibition by glass artist Naoko Mino. She is based in Toyama, the town of contemporary glass.
The delicate organic pattern of her glass works, mostly with plant elements, is created by sandblasting, a process of sketching directly on the surface of glass with adhesive and then blasting it with sand. Her works feature a kind and gentle look, and you will be attracted by the glass shadows. There will be cups and trays for daily use on show. It is her first solo exhibition at Kyoto yamahon, and we are looking forward to your visit.
三野直子 Naoko Mino
1980 大阪府生まれ
武庫川女子大学文学部人間関係学科 卒業
2016 能登島ガラス工房公開講座1年コース 修了
2016 富山ガラス工房 所属(~2021)