No.152 Susumu Jo: Pottery July 15 – July 27, 2022 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
三重県伊賀市にて日常使いの器を作陶される、城進さんの展覧会を開催いたします。城さんは粉引、白灰釉、鉄絵、白磁、焼〆と幅広く作陶され、作品から感じられる素朴でおおらかな雰囲気が魅力です。今展では定番の作品に加え、3年間の試行錯誤を経てようやく完成した初披露の井戸や粉引を出展いただきます。新作の井戸と粉引は古陶の雰囲気を纏う趣のある印象で、定番の作品とはまた違った表情をお楽しみいただけます。薪窯ならではの味わい深い作品を、どうぞご高覧下さい。 We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Susumu Jyo, who lives and makes pottery for everyday use in Iga, Mie Prefecture. His works, including white slip glaze, white ash glaze, iron underglaze, white porcelain, yakishime, are always in a simple and generous appearance. In this exhibition, he will show us the classical series, and launch a whole new set of ido ware and white slip glaze. Different from his past works, the new set is in antique style and was made through a trial-and-error process for three years. Please come and enjoy the tasteful works that can be made only after being fired in the wood firing kiln. We are looking forward to your visit.
城進 Susumu Jyo 1971 大阪生まれ Born in Osaka 1995 京都精華大学美術学部造形学科陶芸専攻 BA,Kyoto Seika University 2000まで 世界50カ国を旅する Traveled around the world 2010 伊賀・丸柱に築窯 以降、丸柱で作陶 2012 京都やまほんにて個展開催 2014 同上 2016 同上 2018 同上 2020 同上