黒畑日佐代 陶磁器展
会期|9月1日(金)▷ 9月13日(水)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 9月1日(金)
No.176 Hisayo Kurohata : Pottery
Sep. 1 – Sep. 13
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon
We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Hisayo Kurohata, a potter based in Ukiha, Fukuoka Prefecture. She focus on producing Raku ware in soft and light colors. There’re interesting black dots that you could find on every piece of her work. They come from the ink of newspaper for the reason that she always wrap the hot pottery with newspaper after just removing them out of kiln. All of her works are hand-shaped or hollowed-out with simply tools. Therefore it’s comfortable to hold them in your hand. It’s her first solo exhibition at kyoto yamahon. There will be cups, plates and bowls on show.
We are looking forward to your visit.
黒畑 日佐代 Hisayo Kurohata
1979 富山県生まれ
1999 能登島ガラス工房吹きガラスコース修了
2001 岐阜県立多治見工業高等学校陶磁科学芸術科卒業
studio MAVOで制作を始める
2007 福岡県うきは市に開窯