長野県上伊那郡で金工作品を制作する渡辺遼さんの展覧会を開催いたします。渡辺さんの作る金工作品は、自然物のような気配を纏う造形物。鉄でありながらも石ころのような質感、無機物であるのに有機的な風合い、相反する要素の境界が曖昧に溶け合っていくような感覚を覚えます。美大を卒業後、鉄工所に勤め技術を磨き、作家として独立後は、真鍮やアルミ、鉄などの金属を使い、主にオブジェや日常の小物などを制作されています。 また、鉄板を木槌で叩いて造形する鍛金が主でしたが、近年は鋳造にも精力的に取り組まれています。やまほんでは初の個展です。今展では、箸置きから大きなオブジェまで幅広く出展いただきます。どうぞご高覧下さいませ。 We are pleased to present an exhibition of Ryo Watanabe, who creates metal works in Kamiina, Nagano.His metal works have the feel of natural objects. The texture of iron is like that of a pebble. The organic texture of an inorganic material. It feels like the boundary between opposing elements becomes ambiguous. After graduating from art college, he worked at an iron foundry to hone his skills. Since becoming an independent artist, he has been working with brass, aluminum, iron, and other metals to create mainly objects and small daily items. Although he has mainly worked in the field of metal forging, in which iron sheets are beaten with a mallet to form objects, in recent years, he has been working energetically on casting as well. This is his first solo exhibition at Kyoto yamahon. The exhibition features a wide range of works, from chopstick rests to large objects.