古谷宣幸 陶磁器展

会期|1月5日(金)▷ 1月24日(水)
開廊時間|11:00~18:30 会期中無休
場所|Kyoto yamahon
作家在廊日 1月5日(金)、6日(土)
No.183 Noriyuki Furutani: Pottery
Jan. 5 – Jan. 24, 2024
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon


We are pleased to present an exhibition of ceramics by Noriyuki Furutani, who works in Shigaraki, Shiga. He studied under Takashi Nakazato and has made ceramics not only in Japan but also in various parts of the world. With the rich expressiveness he has gained from his experience, he produces a wide variety of ceramics that are not limited to the regions where they are produced, while respecting tradition. On the other hand, we cannot take our eyes off his tenmoku works, which he has been producing energetically for many years as his life’s work. His tenmoku, with its enchanting brilliance, is beautiful in form and creates an atmosphere of deep taste.

古谷宣幸 Noriyuki Furutani
1984 信楽生まれ
2005 京都嵯峨芸術大学 短期大学部 陶芸コース 卒業
2007 アメリカ コロラド州 アンダーソンランチアートセンターにて作陶
    滋賀県立 陶芸の森 レジデンスアーティスト
2008 デンマーク スケルツコーにて作陶
2009 岐阜県 土岐市 花ノ木窯にて作陶
    オーストラリア シドニー New Friends Art and Adventure A Ceramic Art Exhibition 出展
2012 うつわ京都やまほんにて個展
2015 アメリカ・アンダーソンランチセンターにゲストアーティストとして招待を受け、