Ryohei Yamamoto: Pottery Oct. 29, – Nov. 17, 2021 Open everyday during the exhibition 11:00 – 18:30 MAP: Kyoto yamahon
佐賀県有田市で作陶される山本亮平さんの展覧会を開催いたします。山本さんは有田の古窯跡地の傍で、初期伊万里の技術を手がかりに器を制作。原料となる陶石の採取から土作り、登り窯での焼成に至るまでご自身の手で行われています。その一つ一つの仕事を経て生まれる山本さんの作品は一見普通のシンプルな器。しかし、自然の豊かさと制作工程の素直さが器に宿り、滋味深い魅力にじんわりと引き込まれてゆきます。今展では、日常使いの食器や酒器をメインに展示致します。どうぞご高覧ください。 We are pleased to hold the exhibition o f Ryohei Yamamoto who is a potter in Arita, Saga. He makes pottery focusing on early Imari ware near the ruins of old kilns. He collects potters stone, makes clay and fire his works in a climbing kiln by himself. His works looks simple, however we are fascinated with the expressions his works have. We will be mainly showcasing tableware and sake vessels that can be used in daly life.