矢野直人 陶磁器展

No.156 Naoto Yano: Pottery
Sept. 23 – Oct. 5, 2022
Open everyday during the exhibition
11:00 – 18:30
MAP: Kyoto yamahon
We are pleased to announce an exhibition by Naoto Yano, a ceramist based in karatsu, Saga prefecture. He is collecting the raw soil, making pottery and glaze and producing a large range of ceramic all on his own. His works includes Joseon white porcelain and different types of karatsu, such as the korean karatsu, and brush decorated karatsu, also ceramics with different decorative techniques, such as the white slip glaze, and brushed slip design. Even though he take antique karatsu wares and ceramics form the Chosun Dynasty as a model, he never stop asking himself what‘s the meaning of karatsu ware. He trying to escape the limits of tradition and looking for a new way to understand ceramic. There will be tea bowls, drinking vessels and other daily wares on show.
We are looking forward to your visit.
矢野 直人 Naoto Yano
1976 佐賀県唐津市生まれ
1994 5年間のアメリカ留学
2002 佐賀県立有田窯業大学校卒業後、委託講師として勤務
2004 自宅殿山窯にて作陶を始める
2008 高知に移住
2008 韓国 蔚山にて6ヶ月作陶